Dating and Marriage in Thailand

Last Updated on February 23, 2023 by Delia D. Yoder

Thailand is a very mysterious country in Europe. By visiting it, you will forever remember the friendly and friendly Thais, magnificent temples and small houses to attract spirits of kindness, and the unusual and slightly strange traditions and customs of this exotic country will help you to merge and feel the whole originality of this state.

The culture of Thailand was closely connected with the customs of the Khmers and Monas. Perhaps this explains why the culture of Thailand is so strong similar to the culture of India. The history and traditions of Thailand have shaped their culture over the centuries. A pair of lovers will never show their feelings in public. Thais are very hospitable and friendly, and entertainment in Thailand is very popular among the local population, so you will have an unforgettable time with a Thai girl or boyfriend.

The ancient traditions of Thailand influenced the character of the Thais. Thais are quite calm and balanced. Being in this country, do not forget that you are visiting. We advise you not to raise your voice, do not insult anyone, do not gesticulate too actively, and do not throw objects of all kinds towards local residents. A response can follow immediately. Therefore, tourists should behave appropriately and politely with the inhabitants of Thailand.

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Nevertheless, in Thailand, it is not often possible to see the sad and sad faces of Thais, which is why this country is called the “Land of Smiles”. So smile more often and get the same in return. Such a friendly attitude to people will help you feel comfortable in any situation.

Dating and Marriage in Thailand

Religion in Thailand plays a major role in people’s lives. Buddhist traditions and rituals accompany Thais, from infancy to death. An interesting fact is the equality of women and men. The only exception is that a man is obliged to become a Buddhist and go to religion at the age of 20 to 23 years, and a woman has the right to choose, they can go to religion only on their own initiative. In everyday life, a woman has the same rights as a man. The situation is different in religion. Here the man acts in the main role, as he assumes the responsibility to occupy an honorable place in male monasticism. This is a reason for the pride of the community and the clan. For a woman, the question of faith is posed in two ways – to worship the Buddha or not.

When going on an excursion to the temple, do not forget about the proper appearance. It is not recommended to visit these holy places in tops, skirts, shorts, flip flops and sandals. The woman’s head should be covered with a scarf. At the entrance to the temple, you must deposit your shoes and go loose. If you enter the temple in vulgar clothes, this will be considered an insult not only to the people themselves but even to the Buddha. Women are forbidden tactile contact with the monk, as well as the exchange with him of any things.


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Dating and Marriage in Thailand

The holiest component for the Thai is the family. Therefore, Thai marriage culture is closely related to creating a family. Family Thai relationships are based on rigor and submission. Younger family members are very respectful to the older generation. So, in other words, parents are revered by their children.

In modern Thailand, an increasing number of foreigners marry Thai women or marry Thai men, as well as a large number of tourists who want to hold a Thai marriage ceremony. Also, in urban areas, a wedding can last only one day, but in the outback of Thailand, celebrations often go on for three or four days.

Usually, in rural areas, Thai marriage takes place at the age of 20 years, while in the city, this can happen before 28-35. Thailand in this regard does not lag behind current trends and often the time for Thai marriage depends on the willingness of people who want to get married, and not on the demands of society.

Thailand is a very religious country and therefore the wedding, like other customs, is inextricably linked with Buddhist rituals. The first ceremony usually takes place at the bride’s house or the newlywed’s house. Traditionally, an odd number of monks, usually nine, bless the newlywed house, as well as all participants in the upcoming wedding. The Thai wedding, by all the rules, cannot be appointed at your request for any month of the year or even day and time. Favorable months for the wedding, as a rule, occur on days of the arriving phase of the moon in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth and twelfth lunar months.

Monks Blessing Ceremony

The wedding ceremony is one of the most ancient Thai rituals because the inhabitants of Thailand take marriage bonds quite seriously. It is an incredibly colorful action. And besides this, in Thailand, there are traditions that seem unusual to us. Buddhist monks are usually invited in the early morning. Usually, at this part of the ceremony, only close relatives and friends are present.

The monks read the Five Commandments to the newlyweds, and then the reading of the scriptures begins. While reading texts, the newlyweds are sprinkled with water. At the end of singing, the newlyweds at the same time, precisely at the same time, because it speaks of their unity, they offer food to each of the monks. After eating, the monks are offered standard gift buckets with essentials, flowers, and envelopes with money. It is important to note that guests are not allowed to touch the food until the end of the meal.

The main monk marks the foreheads of future newlyweds with three points and sprinkles with water. At the end of the blessing ceremony, the monks go out to the guests and also sprinkle them with water to receive the blessing properly, you need to fold your hands in prayer (this gesture is correctly called “Wai”) bend your head low.

In the afternoon, the main part of the celebration of Thai marriage begins. The bride and groom are sitting next to each other on the floor or on a small platform that resembles a stage, their palms folded in the traditional Thai greeting “wai”. Hands of the newlyweds are connected by a garland of fresh flowers or a cotton cord. Monks sing mantras for them and pray. After this, the newlyweds are blessed by a Buddhist monk who puts three dots of white clay and incense on their foreheads, a symbol meaning the opening of the chakras. This means that the thoughts and feelings of the couple will be open to each other.

Solemn Part of Marriage in Thailand

Often an official invitation is not sent but simply invited verbally. If you received a wedding invitation, you are usually invited only to the solemn part of the evening and no one is waiting for you at the ceremonial part of the marriage in Thailand. Usually, the ceremonial part of the Thai wedding is only for the family circle and close friends. The other guests invited to the wedding gather in a local restaurant at the appointed time.

Dating and Marriage in Thailand

Thai Dating Culture

No resident of Thailand will ever dare to violate social and religious traditions, as well as Thai dating customs. Therefore, a tourist should also read and respect the customs of the country in which they rest or seek love.

Families of Thailand

The Thai people themselves translate the name of their country as “the country of the free”, and this is justified because Thailand has never been anyone’s colony, unlike other countries in Southeast Asia. The bulk of the population in Thailand are Thais, but there are Lao and other Asian nationalities, the main religion is Buddhism.

Marriage for a resident of Thailand, as well as the creation of a family, is a vital primary task since the family assumes stable relations and the birth of children, which leads to the prosperity and preservation of the nation.

Buddhism taught the Thais calm and contemplation, so anger is considered unacceptable, and clothing should always be clean and tidy, and demonstrative tenderness indecent. The customs and traditions of relationships in Thailand are cherished and preserved, especially tested by time and ancestors.

They do not leave lovers in private, even the sisters of the future bride go together with lovers dating in Thailand. The ransom that the groom pays to the bride’s parents is not so much material compensation as confirmation of the seriousness of the intentions of the future spouse, although in recent years this tradition has faded into the background among other traditions.

How to Find a Thai Girlfriend?

Since we live in the age of technology, most of us prefer to meet Thai women through smartphones, and computers are gathering dust more and more at home on desks.

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